You can use your RoboBuddy like escort crew ( I'm not talking here about sexual.. Even... lol ) where your buddy will folow you trough your store, travel or as friend on parties ect.
Teleport him easy with command
teleport regionname < x,y,z>
eg. teleport Kimberley<133,103,28>
< x,y,z> are coordinates ( slur ) of your position or position where you wish that your buddy goes.
To send him on position on your land use command
goto < x,y,z>
And if you wish that your buddy turn to you, just use command
turnto < x,y,z>
Your position you will find in address bar or you can use help gadget to have it faster.
One of gadget for this purpose is available in my RoboBuddy office in Sparrow shop. You need just to wear it as HUD, touch it and you will get infos about your position in local chat.
Visit us and take free copy, or contact me and it will be my plesure to send it to you.
Great service!